Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What separates you from the animals

All of the ironically wifey preferences I may have, there's just something you have that no one else I know does:

suicidal tendencies

Mommy 2.0

I'm like any other guy looking for a substitute to their mother. someone who will cook and clean for me, make my bed but also give me orgasms.

So in a way, an upgrade.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Something about hands I can't get past.

When I can't sleep, I may stare at mine in the dark exploring their silhouette in the light that manages to get into my room. I like to grow my nails real long to see what it feels like when they dig into my palms when I make a fist; then cut them back really short and it feels funny not to have anything to scratch myself with. It's pretty cool how sometimes the veins in your hands become extremely visible or how the bones move under your skin when you wiggle your fingers in the air like you're typing or playing the piano.

Having hands is also great for grabbing things and holding onto them, as well as making stuff. Imagine how not having any would lead to eating all your meals with your face; not being able to reach out into the dark, which I suppose if you look at the bigger picture, is really a large part of what I do - along with trying to get my hands into weird positions and sticking them into all sorts of places ranging from drawers and cupboards to pants that aren't mine.

Don't get me wrong, my hands aren't all that great, although I have always liked them. They are kind of weirdly shaped with the fingers growing into different directions. But they are mine and they are conveniently there most of the time and an interesting pair of hands is hard to come by. Maybe I am just picky about hands the way someone else is picky about breast implants. I don't know where I am going with this comparison.

Probably towards the Publish Post button.