Friday, April 15, 2016

It is happening;
an arresting presence,
resting awareness.


The sun is making its way back.
Please come home, and let me go.
Let me go home.
I am ready to go home.
Am I ready?

How about meeting someone who talks like they write,
and they know how to write, and life will be captivating.

This once.

(you don't know if I'm talking about you or me, and neither do I)

This once, words will not suffice.
We fall into dance exactly as it should be.
All things seen, heard;
different communication on top of each other.

On top of each other,
and you said,
"I'm a fool at this."

Saturday, February 27, 2016

luihin ja ytimiin
aurinko nousee

odotan kun
aurinko nousee

viimeisen kerran

julkiset vaunut saapuvat
kasvoja tulvii vastaan
uin vastavirtaan

raajat raahaavat minua
levolle ja

aurinko nousee

täyttää sisimpäni

sukellan kofeiinihöyryissäni
minne tänään päädynkin:

aurinko laskee
sukellan pikakahviin
viima täyttää sisimpäni