Saturday, November 28, 2009

The ticking time bomb

There are times when I want to explode. To explode from excitement, disgust, rage, contentment, love. If having certain characteristics and behaviors is valuable to be avoided, it's not necessarily a bad thing to still possess/execute them. I wish I remembered this and didn't loathe myself so much at times for making all the mistakes I do.

I require justification and explanations to forgive (myself). But when I'm suddenly stuck with one that doesn't meet my criteria of a reasonable excuse, there will be hell fire and soul-piercing icicles. Torment that knows no boundaries.

It's amazing how good I am at creating illusions... ones that I may believe more than the people I've created them for; to amaze, entertain. Oh, have I got a show for you, boys and girls, another story for another time.

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