Sunday, December 13, 2009

It was time for my final exams and although it's impossible for one to take three of them on the same day, this is what happened to me and I didn't think it was weird at all; not even when it was biology, math and literature and I'm not even going to take the math exam.

Funnily enough I knew the math and biology, but forgot to answer the questions on literature and after returning my answers I was leaving and remembered turning in an empty sheet of paper. What pissed me off the most was that there were only three questions on literature. I had to answer two of them and the first assignement was actually to write a poem of your own, so there was really no way you could fail at it as you could come up with the answer instead of having to know something.

I panicked so badly about failing high school and/or literature that when I tried to tell one of my literature teachers about what had happened and ask if there was something we could do to fix the situation, I started crying so much I couldn't really produce any sensible speech. Another of my literature teachers showed up and stood there staring without saying anything on the matter. My English teacher gave me two math assignements and told me to do them over every single day to learn them by heart and said it would fix everything.

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